Protection for tomorrow's distributed workforce

One of the biggest barriers to success for a hybrid workforce is security. But network managers can now take advantage of a new solution called Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) that is well equipped to deal with the fluidity and unpredictability of hybrid working patterns.

Designed for global enterprise companies, the Colt Gateway solution is based on Versa SASE which includes Versa Secure Web Gateway, a secure web access solution that offers organisations protection from malware and threats, and instant insight for policy management, along with reducing end-user friction to access cloud-based applications securely.

screenshot_sase_guide_expect_solutions_draftDownload our 5-page guide to learn more about getting the most out of your SASE deployment.

Colt has formed a partnership with leading SASE vendor Versa Networks to deliver a truly integrated approach to networking and security. Colt’s global next generation network and leadership in the SD WAN market has been teamed with VOS™ (Versa Operating System) to answer the needs of today’s hybrid working patterns. 

Why not take part in one of our innovation workshops? This is an interactive, one-on-one session where we can help you answer some key questions to put together a solid plan for the evolution of your network and business. Whether your business has already adopted an SASE solution or is looking for information, flexibility, reliability and efficiency, we can help you plan and include these key factors.

Your Colt Partner contact is Louise Boddy. To get better connected with Colt please contact  or call 0207 952 5352 

Learn more about Expect Solutions below

Securing the hybrid workforce with SASE

Expect Solutions

A multi-award winning agent of Colt Technology Services, helping you on your digital transformation journey.

We are one of the largest and longest serving agents, looking after over 250 of Colt’s valued clients. We are expanding year-on-year, becoming the trusted adviser to our clients winning awards such as Partner of the Year, Best Innovation & Highest Revenue Growth over the years.

Colt’s service portfolio delivers a consistent experience between Europe, Asia and North America over a common platform and technology, allowing businesses to address the challenges digitisation brings, by focusing on their business priorities, whilst also opening doors to new and emerging markets.




SASE & SSE: What do they mean for me? | Mark Bales, Colt