Ensuring MiFID II compliance through technology
Are you ready to meet the complex requirements of the MiFID II directive?
In January 2018 MiFID evolves to MiFID II, placing new obligations on capital markets participants, and modifying trade and transaction reporting rules. The aim is to increase the quality and quantity of data available to regulators, to help them prevent market abuse and maintain orderly markets.
With Colt PrizmNet, you’ll have secure, high-speed connectivity to APAs and ARMs, banks and buy side participants; as well as to analytics providers who can help you prepare the reports you need.
Register for our webinar, which will be discussing:
- The impact of regulation through MiFID II, EMIR and GDPR
- Use case: Trade and transaction reporting to regulatory bodies
- Challenges around connectivity in and out of the cloud
- How Prizmnet can help you overcome cloud connectivity challenges and help with compliance in time for MiFID